
What do we do?

At The Good Policy Institute, when we tackle equity and policy matters, we employ data-driven methodologies to precisely identify systemic pain points. For instance, the wage gap is not just a broad economic issue but acutely affects marginalized groups, notably women and people of color. By understanding these issues deeply through data, we’re positioned to recommend targeted policy changes. These strategic policy shifts are designed not only to alleviate symptoms but to address the root causes, ensuring a fairer and more equitable landscape for all.



Women earned an average of 17% less than men in 2022



Projects Complited



Business Partners



Awards Winning

Equity checklist:

Our community partners play a vital role in our mission, working alongside us to create positive change and amplify our impact. Together, we collaborate to address shared challenges, foster meaningful connections, and empower our community for a brighter future.

  • Am I open to expanding how I see myself?

  • Am I open to expanding how I see others?

  • Am I aware of my own privilege and resources?

  • Am I willing to share resources?

  • Am I willing to share information?

  • Am I ready to act to increase equity?

Our Programs

Our Team Members

At the core of our team is a deep understanding and appreciation of the unique challenges and opportunities that American voters face. We recognize the immense potential that exists within our community through shared experiences and advocacy which leads to Good Policy. Our Institute is dedicated to developing policies that harness this potential for sustainable development and prosperity for more Americans.

Our Impact Partners

Please Reach Out


For any inquiries, questions, or collaborations, feel free to reach out to us. We welcome your feedback and are committed to providing prompt and helpful assistance. Contact us today and let's work together towards our shared goals.

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    For the latest news and updates regarding our programs and services, stay connected with us through our official channels, newsletters, and social media platforms. We strive to keep you informed about new developments, initiatives, and opportunities to engage with our offerings.